insights Data & Ai
Process Mining
20-03-2017 13:30 – 20:30

Data Science is booming ! However, an important question is how to leverage the vast repositories of raw data in a smart way. A recent research area which has been gaining rapid traction in the enterprise is that of process mining. Process mining is all about events and flows.

This workshop will explain you the key fundamentals of process mining: participants will learn the difference between process discovery, conformance checking and enhancement, and will learn through hands-on excercises how to get started right away using real-life event data. Moreover a number of  real-life case studies will be presented to give you a head start towards applying process mining in your own application domain.  

  1. Process mining: at the intersection of BPM and data mining
    • What is BPM, data mining, process mining
    • The difference with traditional business process intelligence
    • The event log as the starting point
  2. The three main types of process mining
    • Discovery
    • Conformance checking
    • Enhancement
  3. Tightening the link with data mining
    • Process mining for recommendations
    • Process mining for predictions
  4. Deep dive: hands-on case with Disco and ProM
  5. Case Studies
    • Improving a help desk process with text mining and process mining
    • N-path analysis in a banking context
    • Analyzing the student flow: from registration to diploma
    • Process mining at a Telco operator
    • Process clustering: why are people working differently ? 


Seppe vanden Broucke

Professor aan de UGent

Jochen De Weerdt

Associate Professor, Research Center for Management Informatics (LIRIS), FEB, KU Leuven


📅 20-03-2017 13:30 – 20:30


🌍 Engels

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