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Met de steun van SAI: International Cyber Security Strategy Congress
04-02-2015 07:00 – 20:00
Speciaal Event

International Cyber Security Strategy Congress

Companies, organisations and individuals alike are increasingly dependent on digital information. Only when lost or stolen, the value of these data are fully grasped. This goes for the company losing millions of euros due to a theft of its intellectual property, the individual seeing his or her personal pictures illegally scattered across the Web, as well as the critical infrastructure having the provision of its services interrupted. While our clouds grow ever fatter with sensitive data, highly skilled criminals show increasing proficiency in getting around the virtual fences and safeguards that keep these clouds afloat. With our digital assets continuously under threat, only a solid level of preparation can provide the armour needed so badly.

A multi-disciplinary and holistic approach allows us to achieve an adequate level of readiness, ensuring security throughout the whole information chain. At the same time, the systems need to be prepared to deal with possible breaches and attacks. Such an approach involves a.o. the optimisation of system resilience as well as the ability to capture the indicators needed to detect incidents and identify perpetrators. An increased level of overall readiness, combined with technological innovation and a clear and coherent legal framework, will help strengthen the capabilities of our organisations and law enforcement, undoubtedly a key component in the overall (digital) security of society.

ICSS 2015, The International Cyber Security Strategy Congress: “Cyber Security and Forensic Readiness” will be organised on 4-5 February 2015 in Leuven, Belgium. a pre-conference B-CCENTRE workshop will be organized on 3 February to present the work B-CCENTRE has done over the past 4 years.

ICSS2015 will present the latest developments and thoughts in this field and will also look into the future. It will provide the possibility for knowledge exchange and discussion, and an excellent occasion for networking with experts from all over the world. The objective of the conference is to present the challenges, visions and strategies, state-of-the art and perspectives in the area of information and network security, cyber risk management as well as cyber forensics to a wider audience from public and private sector as well as academia. Specific sessions will be organised for the experts from Law Enforcement dealing with combatting Cybercrime. In seperate workshops, law enforcement experts will be updated on the recent evolutions and available tools for digital forensics, online investigations and cyber intelligence and will be presented real live cases.


📅 04-02-2015 07:00 – 20:00


🌍 Engels

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