architecture Architecture
The Belfius Data Strategy: transforming batch-based on-prem towards real-time in the cloud
16-06-2021 13:00 – 14:00

Tracking the stock exchange in real-time in your Belfius banking app with personalized alerting or on the fly personalized insurance offers whilst asking a minimum of information to the customer. Sounds like the future? The Belfius Bank & Insurance ambitions are high, and the data strategy plays a key part in realizing that ambition. With those ambitions also comes a major technology shift from batch-based operations to real-time operations, inter-company silo’s to intra company Belfius Together, from on-premises to cloud.

During this talk we introduce the Belfius data strategy and the challenges it sets out to solve. We discuss how data virtualisation forms a key corner stone in the strategy and how it forms an enabler in the ever-stringent regulatory context around data. The focus lies around the high-level overview as opposed to the technical details.


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Pieter Segaert

Enterprise Architect @Belfius Insurance

Wouter Boussemaere

Head of Enterprise Data & Integration Architecture at Belfius


📅 16-06-2021 13:00 – 14:00


🌍 Engels




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