security Security
DevSecOps: An overview
13-02-2024 13:00 – 14:00

DevSecOps, which stands for Development, Security, and Operations, is a framework that integrates security into all phases of the software development lifecycle. Organizations adopt this approach to reduce the risk of releasing code with security vulnerabilities. Through collaboration, automation, and clear processes, teams share responsibility for security, rather than leaving it to the end when issues can be much more difficult and costly to address.

Do you know what can go wrong in the application you are building? Are you sure you are not using vulnerable containers, and that your developers are not writing vulnerable code? Do you know which third parties you depend on? Are there no secret keys or passwords in unencrypted configuration files on the local machines of the developers in your team? Who actually manages access to your source code? You probably want to know more about DevSecOps.

In this overview, Davide Cioccia gives you a tour throughout the world of DevSecOps, including best practices and tips. You will learn about the security activities that are part of it and how you can concretely integrate them into the current DevOps lifecycle.


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Davide Cioccia

Senior Application Security Architect @Veralto


📅 13-02-2024 13:00 – 14:00


🌍 Engels




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