insights Data & Ai
PARTNER EVENT: The Power of Prediction & Moral Responsibility
16-01-2024 18:00 – 20:00

Organized by the ANTWERP CENTER ON RESPONSIBLE AI (University of Antwerp)

"The Power of Prediction & Moral Responsibility" and "Fair Machine Learning: how to get there?" - Lectures January 16, 2024


  • 18.00: "The Power of Prediction & Moral Responsibility", a lecture by Prof. Mayli Mertens (University of Antwerp, Faculty of Arts)
  • 18.30: discussion and Q&A
  • 18.45: "Fair Machine Learning: how to get there?", a lecture by prof. Toon Calders (University of Antwerp, Faculty of Science)
  • 19.15: discussion and Q&A
  • 19.30 : networking drinks

Practical information

  • date: January 16, 2024
  • location: Stadscampus, room S.C002

The event will also be livestreamed.

No registration fee, but advance registration is required for both physical attendance and online participation via this link.

Meer informatie:


Inschrijven voor SAI events kan makkelijk na het maken van een SAI account en in te loggen.

No registration fee, but advance registration is required for both physical attendance and online participation via this link.


📅 16-01-2024 18:00 – 20:00


🌍 Nederlands

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