insights Data & Ai
Conversational AI & ChatGPT at Microsoft
30-05-2023 13:00 – 14:00

(Dit webinar is in het Engels. Niet te missen: een blik op hoe Microsoft large language models integreert in haar toepassingen.)

Learn about the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and how it is revolutionizing the way we communicate with machines. Syrah Mohaideen (Strategist/Client Technology lead) and Laure Van Isterdael (Enterprise Solutions Specialist - Data & AI) will discuss the capabilities and technology behind ChatGPT and other large language models, Microsoft's partnership with OpenAI, how this technology is being leveraged in current and upcoming developer applications (with use cases), and how safety and trust can be guaranteed.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights into the future of conversational AI and its impact on the industry.


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Syrah Mohaideen

Strategist/Client Technology lead @ Microsoft

Laure Van Isterdael

Enterprise Solutions Specialist - Data & AI @ Microsoft

Kelly Vehent

Kelly Vehent - Cloud Solution Architect - Data & AI @ Microsoft


📅 30-05-2023 13:00 – 14:00


🌍 Engels




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