security Security
Quantum Computing: the end of privacy as we know it (PARTNER EVENT)
20-04-2023 12:45 – 15:00
Speciaal Event
Donderdag 20 april 2023 om 12:45: gratis event "Quantum Computing: the end of privacy as we know it" (Engelstalig) door Ramses Gallego tijdens CYBERSEC EUROPE gevolgd door speciale VIP meeting met Ramses Gallego. SAI leden kunnen inschrijven via onderstaande link.
Meld u aan om de unieke VIP registratielink te zien.

Ramsés is a +25 year security professional with deep expertise in the Risk Management and Governance areas. Ramsés is now International CTO with CyberRes, a Micro Focus line of business, where he defines the vision and mission, purpose and promise of the division. He has recently been Strategist & Evangelist for the office of the CTO with Symantec. An internationally recognized public speaker and has been awarded ‘Best Speaker’ in the four continents. He is also a Six Sigma Black Belt professional and is proud of being Past International VP for ISACA’s Board of Directors and Immediate Past President and now Ambassador of the Barcelona Chapter. Ramsés is also Executive Vice President of the Quantum World Association and has had the US flag flown on his honor at The Capitol.

Meer informatie op de eventpagina van CYBERSEC EUROPE


📅 20-04-2023 12:45 – 15:00


🌍 Engels

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