insights Data & Ai
Mastering process analytics with bupaR (PARTNER EVENT - 50% korting voor SAI-leden)
19-09-2022 18:30 – 06-10-2022 10:00
Speciaal Event
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In this course, you will be introduced to process data, process analysis, and get right to work with process data in R in several case studies using bupaR, the state-of-the-art toolset for process analysis in R. Processes occupy an indispensable role in our daily lives. Your actions and those of others generate a vast amount of data. Whether you order a book, a train crosses a red light, or your thermostat heats your bathroom, millions of events occur every second and are stored in data centers around the world. These huge sets of process data can be used to gain insight into processes in a virtually unlimited range of application areas. However, the analysis of this data requires its own set of specific formats and techniques.

Interactive. Hands-on. Remote. Directly applicable.

The bupaR Masterclass is a fully remote course, allowing every professional to learn how to master process analytics with bupaR, no matter where you are located. However, you will not be able to sit back and relax behind your screen. Organized in groups of 10 to 15, this course is specifically designed to be interactive and hands-on. From the very start in Module 1, you will get to work with process data. At the end of Module 6, you will be able to write sophisticated analysis scripts to answer complex questions.

Fortunately, you will not be on your own. Using state-of-the-art tools for real-time collaboration, you will code together with your fellow students and the lecturer.

This masterclass is aimed at professionals who want to gain insights from data about their business processes, but do not necessarily have specific prior knowledge of programming. The course promotes working with bupaR as a process analysis tool and teaches you the necessary techniques to explore processes, visualize them and report on results. The target audience of the course are data scientist, business analysts, process analysts, data analysts, Business Intelligence (BI) developers, marketing intelligence analysts, and all others who can benefit from process-oriented analysis skills.

After following this program:

  • You will have a clear picture of the different analysis types and perspectives of process mining.
  • You will be familiar with the tools for process analytics provided by bupaR.
  • You will be able to answer complex, multi-perspective process analysis questions.
  • You can independently analyze an event log.


The bupaR Masterclass consist of 6 Module of 3.5 hours, organized over a period of 3 weeks.

  • Module 1: Introduction to Process Mining
  • Module 2: Control-flow analysis
  • Module 3: Performance & organization
  • Module 4: Conformance Checking
  • Module 5: Event log building
  • Module 6: Advanced process analytics

About the instructor

The bupaR Masterclass is taught by Gert Janssenswillen, the creator and lead maintainer of bupaR.

Time table

Times in UTC+2 (Western Europe), for more details see

  • Module 1: 19 September 2022, 6:30pm-10pm
  • Module 2: 22 September 2022, 6:30pm-10pm
  • Module 3: 26 September 2022, 6:30pm-10pm
  • Module 4: 29 September 2022, 6:30pm-10pm
  • Module 5: 3 October 2022, 6:30pm-10pm
  • Module 6: 6 October 2022, 6:30pm-10pm


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Partnerevent; SAI leden kunnen inschrijven en genieten van 50% korting (zie hieronder)! Meer informatie en inschrijven kan op
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Gert Janssenswillen

Onderzoeker @UHasselt


📅 19-09-2022 18:30 – 06-10-2022 10:00


🌍 Engels




Dit is een online event


Partnerevent; SAI leden kunnen inschrijven en genieten van 50% korting (zie hieronder)! Meer informatie en inschrijven kan op
Meld u aan om de kortingscode te zien.

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