security Security
Defending Digital Business against cyber attacks
21-02-2019 19:00 – 20:30

We live in a time where everything is network connected, ranging from trash cans that let you know they are almost full to dynamic business websites on which you can fully customize the product you want to order via a visual configurator. Whether these network connected systems provide business functionality, when breached, they can all have a security impact to your organization.

Irrelevant of what your organization does, how big or small it is, and what its customers are, we all are targets of a certain type of threat actors. During this presentation we will provide you with an overview of different types of threat actors and why you are a target as well. But don't worry. It's not because you are a target that you should become a victim as well ! We'll touch on various aspects on how you can secure your organization and your applications (prevent a breach), give some insights into how you can detect threat actors trying to get in (detect), and what to do in case they succeed (respond).  


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Sasja Reynaert

Security Analyst, NVISO

Stephanie Vanroelen

Offensive Security Specialist, NVISO


📅 21-02-2019 19:00 – 20:30


🌍 Engels

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